The drug by the name of Adderall has been associated to be the contributing factor to myocardial infarctions and/or sudden death in children and young adults. This drug allegedly cures ADHD, or Attention Deficient Hyperactivity Disorder. The disease is said to be a false conception and many experts believe that the symptoms described for ADHD are not symptoms at all and thus the disease itself is phony. In any case, the administration of Adderall on a regular or one-time-only basis has been known to cause heart and other physiological problems amongst children. There still haven’t been any clinical tests to prove the long-term benefit or effectiveness of Adderall—only that it is addictive to some by such a degree that they slip into .
Adderall is also touted as the ‘study drug’ by students. Students use it and/or abuse it to be able to stay up late to study and to focus for long periods at a time. Adderall also helps to stay up late to enjoy a party and some even claim that an intake of this drug can increase once limit of drinking. The side-effects of Adderall are, however, quite a few—dizziness, vertigo, euphoria, insomnia, restlessness, over-stimulation, tremors, depression, headaches, irritability and hallucinations. Long term effects include seizures, stroke, weight loss, dryness of mouth and unpleasant taste, diarrhea, anorexia, constipation and hypersensitivity. Some cases have been found where people reported looking at frightening hallucinations of insects or snakes crawling up their bodies, or getting the feeling of getting hit by something.
It is to be remembered that ADHD is in essence a fraudulent disorder which is just a derivative of the Attention Deficit Disorder. The idea of ADHD was rapidly accepted by parents and teachers alike so that student performance could be improved by medication. Soon, a new disease was created to generate the requirement for a new kind of drug which is as dangerous as cocaine or heroin but it is legal. One must remember that drug addiction is far more dangerous than and requires extra care.
Adderall abuse is catching up rapidly as there is no one to curb its rapid spread. When a student is ‘diagnosed’ with ADHD then he/she is put on a prescription of Adderall and he school receives extra money for each child like that. Even the parents receive money from social security if their children are on treatment for ADHD. Getting paid for drug abuse. What are we going at? It is strange, strange world!