Thursday, May 19, 2011

Using Vivitrol for Alcoholism

Addiction towards alcohol is really a devastating experience for any person. Starting from a small volume they are addicted towards it and can’t keep away from drinking. Drinking abusively can create a lots of health related problems. It becomes almost impossible to avoid drinking. But, there are some ways which can really bring the person back to his original life. One latest addition to this is the Vivtrol treatment.

Well, frankly saying, Vivitrol is not at all a magic drug, which can cure alcoholism at the same when you continue drinking. You will have to consume it only once in a month either in the form of a pill or injection. And also, it alone can’t rescue you from the habit of drinking. It must be assisted by an effective drug rehab program.

Vivtrol treatment is recognized by many organizations as an effective way to fight alcoholism. Vivitrol helps a person who is trying to get rid of alcoholism by creating less desire towards drinking. It acts in the brain which blocks some of the neurotransmitters of the brain, which can create dependency on alcohol.

It is mentioned earlier that Vivitrol alone can’t treat a patient. Vivitrol for alcoholism can work best when it is combined with the drug rehab efforts in a rehabilitation center. A big significance of the alcohol addicts are that they think they can quit drinking of their own. But, practically saying, it’s almost near to impossible. They need somebody’s help and support to overcome this pitfall. And this support is provided in the rehab centers. This is the reason why Vivitrol can work best in the rehab centers.

Well, not all the rehab centers can serve the Vivtrol treatment in the most effective way. So, there is a high need to find out the best rehab program.

Here are some factors to be considered :-

The rehab program should provide unique treatment to each of their patients.

The location of the rehab center also plays a very important role for the best use of Vivitrol for alcoholism.

It is very much important to choose the right program for treatment. Otherwise, whether it is Vivitrol or any other effective drug, nothing can come out with a positive result.

Embracing Renewed Life After Addiction

Every night has a silver lining in the form of day; similarly every scary or fearful experience ends one day. Nothing in this world lasts forever. This is the perpetual rule of universe that everything changes. Nothing remains forever. Change is consistent be it in nature, life, relations, mind; everything around us changes. Many changes are expected whereas some are unexpected. Where expected changes are welcomed; changes, which are unexpected, are not really accepted with an open heart.

Different people have different attitude towards facing such changes. Some may face and embrace these changes bravely and effectively whereas some may not. They may find it difficult to mold themselves according to the present situation. Consciously or unconsciously they fall into the traps of situations and get addicted to various habits which may not be really constructive or which may destroy the life. Such dangerous habits are called addiction. The dictionary meaning of this word itself describes the negative aspect related to it. The meaning says abnormal craving for some substance or being abnormally tolerant to and dependent on something that is psychologically or physically habit-forming. Everything in moderation is fine but when the limits are crossed, things turn dangerous or even life threatening. Alcohol addiction, addiction to narcotic drugs is one such example of dangerous habits.

As it is said earlier that change is the only consistent aspect in our life, drug rehab come to change the life for the addicts. In the initial phase of recovery treatment the addiction initially only observed and then the personalized recovery program is planned. If required the sedations are given, sometimes the tranquilizers are also used in the treatment. An appropriate drying out period is stipulated for every patient. Many times hallucinations occur as a result of withdrawal, for treating them, the patients are required to be in hospital. Every individual responds to the treatment in different way as the body type and individual requirement differ from one another.

Treatment is also administered in the un- orderly manner to get the best result. Hence it becomes very important to keenly observe the addiction on individual basis and chalk out the recovery treatment plan. There are out- patients wards which help in curing the moderate addiction. Here the patient is required to take seating with the clinical expert and with the help of therapy as well as medicines the recovery is achieved. Getting admitted into the rehab is for those who have higher degree of addiction.

Thursday, May 12, 2011


The drug Vivitrol is one of the latest breakthrough in treating alcoholism and addiction to opioid drugs. Also called naltrexone or naltrexone hydrochloride, Vivtrol treatment was approved by FDA in 2006. Basically how this drug works is that it stops the brain from producing a pleasure chemical called dopamine, which is induced by endomorphins. With prolonged use of the drug, the brain stops deriving any pleasure from alcohol or drugs. Vivitrol can be taken as a pill or injected into the blood.

The best part about this drug is that it need not be taken every day. It is taken only once in a month. This is a non-narcotic and non-addictive drug. The usage of Vivitrol in rehabilitation centers have increased in recent times. In fact many drug and alcohol drug rehab centers are advertising themselves as using Vivitrol as part of the treatment. The success rate is also quite high as compared to other drugs and other methods of treating alcoholism.

Vivtrol treatment is to be administered only by a professional. It is found to have adverse on persons suffering from hepatitis or liver related diseases, pregnant women, lactating women, persons prone to depression and diabetics. Vivtrol, though is found to have greater success rates than other drugs, it is not a foolproof method of treating the disease. A person who drinks or takes drugs while undergoing treatment, i.e. during the one month period after taking the drug, is found to be more dependent on the drug than before taking the drug. Also while administering the drug; the body should be completely free of any traces of alcohol or drugs.

The patient has to follow the routine detoxification program before being injected with the drug. Otherwise the traces of alcohol or drugs in the body with react with the drug being administered, and may have severe complications on the body.. Vivtrol treatment in drug rehab centers is to be supplemented by other techniques of treating alcoholism. It should be followed by psychological counseling, plenty of emotional support, physical exercise and meditation like yoga. Thus it should be viewed only as one of the methods for treating the disease and not the answer to alcoholism.

Interestingly, Vivitrol is being studied in the treatment of breast cancer. The possibility of the drug stopping the release of the hormone estrogen, which causes cancer cells to grow, is being studied.

Currently Vivtrol treatment is not easily accessible by many because of the cost factor, but in the near future, as the cost comes down, it will have a profound effect on alcohol and drug dependent people, and on the society as a whole.

Addiction and the Midwest Drug Rehab Program

Addiction is the physical and psychological dependence on substances like alcohol, tobacco and drugs. Dependence on alcohol results in that has a negative effect on the abuser’s health, his social life and his relationships. A person is addicted to a drug when he is in a state of intoxication on using that drug. He may have an uncontrollable craving for the drug.

Whether a person is addicted to alcohol or to a drug, if he is abusing the use of a substance, he needs to be treated. However, the first step in the treatment of an addict is for the addict to realize that he needs help and to want to obtain it.

The signs of an addiction are:

* Craving

* Loss of control

* Withdrawal symptoms such as nausea, sweating, nervousness and shakiness on not being able to obtain the substance in time.

* The need to increase the amount of intake.

Alcohol addiction can be cured by a detoxification program. Doctors also prescribe tablets like ‘Antabuse’ to help prevent a return to drinking once it has stopped. He would also need individual and group counselling.

The ‘US Midwest’ comprises the state of Missouri and twelve others. They have a rehab program called the ‘Midwest drug rehab’ program. Anyone needing treatment can enrol themselves in a ‘St. Louis drug rehab’ centre.

The St. Louis drug rehab centre has detoxification programs. Each program caters to the different needs of an individual so it would be wise to get a thorough knowledge of the programs in the rehab program before enrolling in one. The success rate of such a program varies between two percent and twenty percent.

The Midwest Drug Rehab program is affordable. The program recognizes each individual as unique and caters to each one’s specific needs. There are many different treatment options as well. There are ‘short-term’ rehab programs of thirty days or less, as well as ‘long-term’ rehab programs extending three months or more. There are professional counsellors available all through the day and night.

Although the drug rehab program offered in the Midwest is very good, it is not entirely sufficient to cure an addict of his condition. Apart from good treatment, he also needs to be mentally stable and have the complete support of his family and friends.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

ill Effects of Oxycontin and Ambien Addiction

A medicine which is basically a pain killer, developed to trat medium and severe pain, was developed in Germany in the year 1916, it has excessive side effects hence never used without prescriptions.

Sometimes it can also be used to treat diarrhea, diabetic neuropathy, post herpetic neuralgia, unilateral total knee arthroplasty, osteoarthritis, ambulatory laparoscopic tubal ligation surgery and abdominal or gynecological surgery, only the dosage changes with the severity of the disease.

This is just one side of the coin, the darker side says that this drug is habit forming, it alter the human brain so that they get an addiction to Oxycontin, your mind starts relying on more and more on this medicine and you develop a carving for this drug.

This high alert drug comes in the form of tablets which when broken, chewed or crushed causes a great amount of oxycodone to be released, that results in a drug overdose that can be harmful, also if it is clubbed with alcohol and some interacting drugs then it might also be a cause of death.

Addiction to Oxycontin can lead to a several side effects like: severe breathing problems, Euphoria, loss of memory, nausea, loss of vision, Insomnia, diaphoresis, pruritus, it can even lead to impotence
Another drug which is generally used for relaxation is Ambien. A drug used to treat insomnia, is normally prescribed to people who suffer from a lot of stress and loss of sleep. Slowly people get used to this relaxed feeling and few develop an Ambien addiction.

A very normal drug could become fatal if an overdose of it is taken there are several reasons why people generally develop an Ambien addiction. A stress due to your job, or family due to high responsibilities and heavy load needs a medicine to calm down, an Ambien provides the necessary soothing effect. Money problems can be a very common reason to ambien addiction or many a times if there is a family history of drugs like this, you naturally develop a craving to such relaxing drugs which then turn into an addiction.

Any drug is useful only in a limit, excess of anything is hazardous, be it an addiction to Oxycontin or an Ambien addiction, these drugs are developed to help you cure your problems and should be for that only, if you make it a habit an develop an addiction it could be a reason for loss of your precious life.

The Alchohol Addiction - A Summary From My Daily Report

As a relationship manager and as a operations manager, it’s my duty to whole after scenes of a patient, maintain his report, after their treatment process, for drug or alcohol addiction.

The total reporting process, is designed by me as I felt that the niche of the reporting is to cover the feeling and pulsations, which the patient undergo after the rehab process for his alcohol addiction, as a key to the credibility of the reports.

But as the change of trends, or a new different situation where these things need the full time revamp, which I realized is while doing the reporting , and understanding the after effects of the people who are in rehab for oxycontin.

People suffering from the addiction of oxycontin, are more susceptible, and more week compared the the people who are suffering from alcohol addiction, the reason oxycontin is something, which eats your head at every addiction, that you lose your mental strength of thinking, same in alcohol also, but you can try to live normally from your first round of alcohol hangover, to you second round, but people addicted to oxycontin, which is basically a medication process for your addiction habit, changes notoriously as an addiction, and switches off the human mind of the person, between the intake and even after it.

Rehab for oxycontin, contains of three stages, one as its purely based on the health conditions and the mental situation and of the addiction level of the patience, as these two factors decide, the level of treatment, and how it is matching to the physical and psychological conditions of the client. The second is the phase where the treatment and medication is given so that the patient is first physically kept out of the addiction of the oxycontin, which he started taking as a medicine.

Oxycontin is prescribed to people who are at the early stages of alcohol addiction, or the people who are suffering from basic physiological issues, like, dual minded and split personality, but when the patient try to take to much of oxycontin, or the drunker, who end up taking oxycontin as a drug, is a peevish situation which should be avoided, and which is paved towards a reason in the time when the undergo the rehab of oxycontin.

When I compare my weekly notes, I realize and so I writeed, about the vurnability of this drug oxycontin.