Tuesday, March 22, 2011

What you should know regarding treatment for oxycontin addiction

Medical drugs particularly painkillers are manufactured with the objective to give relief to people suffering from painful conditions. However it has been observed that when people experience the effectiveness of a painkiller they try to abuse its use. This makes them addicted to it and later on they cannot do without it thereby undermining the very purpose for which such drugs were manufactured in the first place. Usually powerful painkillers like Oxycontin are schedule II drugs which are prescribed only in specific cases. Oxycontin came into the market in 1995 and it was introduced to treat people suffering from severe pain. Now the situation is such that there are lots of people who come seeking treatment for oxycontin addiction.

The main ingredient of this schedule II drug is Oxycodone. With various forms of this drug being available in the market its rampant abuse has today become a matter of serious concern. Oxycontin is a clinical medicine or rather a controlled drug like morphine and therefore is a strong pain killer. Its use is known to affect moods and this is why a lot of people have become addicted to it. Since this is prescribed drug you cannot procure it illegally and if you are found to then you are likely to be criminally prosecuted. However since the last ten years a lot of people have been reported to have come for treatment for oxycontin in drug treatment centers. This is a pointer that its illegal use has increased significantly.

It is very easy to get addicted to oxycontin but the side effects are really serious. Monitoring by a qualified professional is necessary if you are taking this drug as a pain killer. It is your physician who continuously assesses and adjusts your dosage according to your response to its usage. However, this controlled drug is being procured illegally by people by using improper means. With continuous abuse they have become addicted to it leading to serious health consequences.

Oxycontin addicts who check into rehab centers seeking treatment for oxycontin addiction are reported to have abused this drug by crushing the tablets into powder form. The powdered drug is then injected, snorted or simply swallowed. Rehab centers which provide treatment for oxycontin inform that the drug gives a prolonged effect when injected but using it in this way also leads to serious side effects. It has also been reported that it is teenagers who abuse this drug the most.

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