Thursday, May 5, 2011

The Alchohol Addiction - A Summary From My Daily Report

As a relationship manager and as a operations manager, it’s my duty to whole after scenes of a patient, maintain his report, after their treatment process, for drug or alcohol addiction.

The total reporting process, is designed by me as I felt that the niche of the reporting is to cover the feeling and pulsations, which the patient undergo after the rehab process for his alcohol addiction, as a key to the credibility of the reports.

But as the change of trends, or a new different situation where these things need the full time revamp, which I realized is while doing the reporting , and understanding the after effects of the people who are in rehab for oxycontin.

People suffering from the addiction of oxycontin, are more susceptible, and more week compared the the people who are suffering from alcohol addiction, the reason oxycontin is something, which eats your head at every addiction, that you lose your mental strength of thinking, same in alcohol also, but you can try to live normally from your first round of alcohol hangover, to you second round, but people addicted to oxycontin, which is basically a medication process for your addiction habit, changes notoriously as an addiction, and switches off the human mind of the person, between the intake and even after it.

Rehab for oxycontin, contains of three stages, one as its purely based on the health conditions and the mental situation and of the addiction level of the patience, as these two factors decide, the level of treatment, and how it is matching to the physical and psychological conditions of the client. The second is the phase where the treatment and medication is given so that the patient is first physically kept out of the addiction of the oxycontin, which he started taking as a medicine.

Oxycontin is prescribed to people who are at the early stages of alcohol addiction, or the people who are suffering from basic physiological issues, like, dual minded and split personality, but when the patient try to take to much of oxycontin, or the drunker, who end up taking oxycontin as a drug, is a peevish situation which should be avoided, and which is paved towards a reason in the time when the undergo the rehab of oxycontin.

When I compare my weekly notes, I realize and so I writeed, about the vurnability of this drug oxycontin.

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