Methamphetamine is a drug usually known as Meth, by the substance abusers. One of the early inventions shows that it was first synthesized by a Japanese chemist in the year 1893. This drug is used for the treatment of narcolepsy. It was commonly used during the II World War. It was used by the axis and allied forces. This drug was commonly used and distributed amongst the top army officials to basic grade army men. methamphetamine addiction can be a serious problem due to its psycho-stimulant properties. This drug causes euphoria, anxiety, aggression, self confidence etc. physically it has many adverse effects such as memory loss, aggression, psychotic behavior, heart damage, malnutrition, and severe dental problems to name a few. Initially only limited to Hawaii and western parts of the country, methamphetamine abuse continuously spread towards east and it affected the rural and urban areas increasingly. According to one national survey, approximately 10 million people in the United States have tried methamphetamine at least once in their lifetime. This drug can be taken intravenously or smoked.
Marijuana addiction is another type of addiction which is commonly found among any age. This drug has special properties. Marijuana releases serotonin which is a chemical in the brain that triggers a feeling of pleasure. The most common method for using this drug is to place the dried leaves, stems, and flowers of this plant onto rolling paper and make it into a cigarette, to be smoked. It can also be smoked in a water pipe or other metal or glass pipe. This drug can also be put in food products or be mixed with coffee or tea.When someone smokes Marijuana regularly the brain gets used to higher amounts of serotonin production than normal , so when these addicts try to quit smoking this drug, then the production drops , followed by which they experience a mild mental withdrawal from the dependence on the previously increased levels of serotonin and the pleasure it brought along with. When one gets used to the high, it becomes very difficult to refrain oneself from smoking it. The addicts try to find new ways to justify their addiction. marijuana drug rehab follows a holistic treatment for recovery separately for every individual.
Any type of addiction is characterized as killing if not detected or treated at earliest. It can be very fatal and take life!
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