Alcohol is a tricky liquid substance. If it is consumed in moderation and proportion, it creates no harm. But if it is over done then, it causes hazardous physical damages to humans as well as it deteriorates interpersonal relations, shatters families…the list is endless. In ancient times the nectar was consumed by the Gods, but the liquor was the devils’ drink. It was not considered as pious as against the heavenly nectar, which is a life giving substance. In ancient Hindu mythology ‘Amrit (nectar)’ is supposed to have emerged out of churning of holy sea as one of the most pious and highly precious outcomes. The last and most undesirable outcome was ‘Sura (Liquor)’ along with the poison. Even the early age humans have already known about its dangerous characteristics well.
Even today people are aware of them, yet they seem to “drink socially”, which may not have side effects in short run, but if not curtailed down on in-take in longer run it may turn into an addiction. Once addicted to alcohol, a person is taken into another world, mostly virtual and far away from reality. He is drifted away from family, friends and well- wishers. This addiction causes multiple problems into everybody’s life; one, who is addicted and the others, who are related to him. These problems include excess expenditure, stealing, harassment etc. The problems keep increasing with every going day. There are times when people feel helpless and hopeless in finding a solution for getting out of this addiction.
Sober living by the sea is a network of various addiction treatment center. We are very well aware of the problems that enter with the addiction. Our different treatment programs like eating disorder, drug addiction and alcohol treatment programs serve our fellow people in quitting their addiction and live a life of sobriety. We not just aim for overcoming the habit, but also educate the newly sobers to retain it. Our experts and able staff are always ready to guide and support you at each point of recovery. We not only get you physically purified, but also mentally strong and professionally at par with others. Our services are trusted by many over the years.
Our treatment centers are situated in the lap of nature. They have every aspect of being a rehab with nature’s blessing. They can be described as home away from home.
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