Getting used to anything is instant, but getting out of that habit requires lot of determination, expert advice and professional help. Once it is decided to quit the habit, things become much easier. Sober Living by the Sea has been successfully treating alcoholism and drug addiction in Newport Beach for over 23 years. Experience has taught us that every client has unique and specific needs.
Sober Living by the Sea's network of residential facilities in Orange County and greater Southern California. It can accommodate the special needs in a caring and supportive manner. Sober Living by the Sea's world renowned staff is attentive and uses a variety of the latest and most advanced treatment methods to help our clients enter a successful and long term recovery. Newport Beach offers a long coastline, with pristine waters and very natural environment effective in dealing with stress and trauma. Paired with the luxurious facilities and natural environment our dedicated professionals guide you through releasing the tight grasp of addiction.
Since 1998 we've been educating people via our website about various drugs and our experience treating chemical dependencies at one of the most successful treatment communities in the United States. We also have in house 12 steps treatment programs for men and women separately in our Southern California Rehab; The rose for women and the landing for men. Numerous programs teamed with various activities to re-gain self confidence and self esteem are conducted by our dedicated experts.
We realize that fighting the addiction in a restricted environment may not be useful in longer run since one has to return to normal life eventually. Hence the southern California drug rehab came into existence. This rehab, unlike typical, offers a very natural and familiar environment. This helps the addicts overcome their habits in much relaxed way. We also involve their families. Their support matters the most. We educate them about behavioral patterns with the newly sobers.
It is very human to get attracted to the old habit again. We offer extended care treatment program for those who show signs of relapse. We believe in maintaining a lifelong relationship, so we have created an alumni community, where the sober can interact with each other and share their experiences. We also have a Christian program to celebrate recovery. Our Mission is to provide world class personalized care that is tailored to the exact needs of our client who will begin long term successful recovery with us in the world's premier recovery community.
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