Thursday, September 30, 2010

Painkillers can be addictive too!

Various drugs are prescribed by the doctors for curing numerous diseases or discomforts. There are pain killers or pain relievers which help in reducing the pains or helping us to bear the pains. These pain relievers are classified in the drugs as opioids. This drug is derived from the opium poppy. They are primarily used as analgesics or a drug for pain relief. Along with the pain relief, most opiates give a feeling of euphoria and a degree of sedation. These side effects are what make them popular as drugs of abuse. This drug is prescribed by the physician as a pain relief. But soon the patients may become addicted or dependent on this drug due to its side euphoric side effects, and continue using it even after the condition for which it has been prescribed, is resolved or cured. Intake of the drug becomes an obsession. Like any other drug or medicine a very frequent use of this drug also leads to developing higher level of tolerance in the system for that drug.

Once the tolerance levels are increased, then the dose is also increased to achieve that euphoria from that drug. This vicious circle leads to an addiction. The addicts have uncontrollable desire to get the euphoric feeling; they maintain secrecy of the activities in obtaining the drug, they spend huge amount of money in getting that drug. Like every other addiction,Opioid addiction also can be cured with professional support, help and guidance. There are fully equipped rehabs which take care of their clients with utmost care and compassion. They know exactly what it takes in quitting such addiction. Thus they extend a warm support and helping hand to get their clients out of the addiction.

These rehabs follow a holistic approach which is composed of the cognitive behavioral therapies, which help in changing the mindset and thinking processes of the addicts. Detoxification is carried out if required. Drug counseling, psychotherapies which aim at complete recovery, they also involve families for an extended support outside the rehab. Such recovery treatments have rare chances of relapsing, due to a complete psychological and physical healing along with an extended care offered by their families. The clinical experts offer advice to the families of the addicts about how to take care of their loved one after their recovery.

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Health problems caused due to substance abuse

There are various drugs which are abused by the addicts. The types of in-taking the drug also varies from each other. Some of the drugs are supposed to be taken nasally, some intravenously, some through smoking etc. Marijuana rehab is a drug that is taken through smoking. Let’s see brief history of this drug. This drug is derived from a plant named cannabis. The word mar comes from Spanish Mexican word Mar iguana. As per a report by the United Nations this is the most widely used illicit drugs in the world. The cannabis plant’s derivatives are used as the psychoactive drug. This drug has been in use since 3 millennium BC, its traces are also found in the Hindu religion. This drug was used in some of the medicines written in Vedas. This drug is the most ancient in its origin and has its scope spread across the globe. Many countries were aware of its properties as a drug as well as an addictive substance. Many of the old books have a reference of the cannabis plant.

This drug has special properties. Marijuana releases serotonin which is a chemical in the brain that triggers a feeling of pleasure. The most common method for using this drug is to place the dried leaves, stems, and flowers of this plant onto rolling paper and make it into a cigarette, to be smoked. It can also be smoked in a water pipe or other metal or glass pipe. This drug can also be put in food products or be mixed with coffee or tea.When someone smokes Marijuana regularly the brain gets used to higher amounts of serotonin production than normal , so when these addicts try to quit smoking this drug, then the production drops , followed by which they experience a mild mental withdrawal from the dependence on the previously increased levels of serotonin and the pleasure it brought along with. When one gets used to the high, it becomes very difficult to refrain oneself from smoking it. The addicts try to find new ways to justify their addiction.

This addiction cannot be cured without professional help. Getting admitted into a Marijuana rehab is one wise step taken towards a sober life. This addiction is commonly found because this drug is easily available like alcohol. Marijuana addiction is commonly found in any age.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Rehabs play vital role in quitting addiction

Once it is decided to quit the addiction, one needs professional support and guidance. The rehabs offer their services based on two types one of which is the outpatient program and the other one is residential program. The outpatient deals with those clients who cannot leave their busy schedules and find out time to stay over in the rehab for the duration of the recovery treatment. This kind of treatment has good effect but it is a bit slow and the life, in which one starts the addiction, is faced daily. There is no discontinuation from that life. This is useful in disconnecting from the existing life, take a small pause, get de-addicted, and embrace the life with new approach. But by opting for outpatient treatment, this is not possible. The disconnection from the factors and elements which might have led the clients to addiction will be consistently present, and there are more chances of not being able to quit the addiction. If the client quits it, the percentage is more to get back to the old addiction or relapse of the addiction. Due to this factor the medical experts suggest a residential rehab for fighting the addiction out of the system.

A residential rehab is a facility equipped with state of art instruments, thorough professional experts and great ambience. All these factors cumulatively help in re-inventing oneself as well as living life once again with complete new outlook. outpatient drug rehab, drug rehabs are found under one roof. They are very effective in quitting the life threatening addiction. Most of these rehabs are laced in the lap of nature. It is believed that Mother Nature has a cure for each and every problem or disease. The healing retreats have good natural environment, which help in carrying out activities which are physically challenging as well as have spiritual values like yoga or meditation etc.

Orange County rehab is one of the most successful rehabs. There are several such rehabs which help their clients quit the addiction if a very effective and non-relapsing way. The rehabs have come a long way in fighting the addiction, they believe in a holistic approach. They treat the mental, physical and social factors affecting the physical and mental health of their client. They also include their families for a long term effect of the treatment. An all rounded approach in healing the client is achieved through these aspects.

Revival through rehab

There are many factors which lead to addiction. Some of these factors could be social, emotional or economical. Once any addiction goes beyond the limits and starts causing problems to one and to the others who are near and dear ones, then this is acknowledged as a problem and then the search for suitable rehab program is started. People look out for a rehab which fits into their criteria. There are various types of rehabs these days such as men’s rehab, women’s rehab, Christian rehab, free rehab etc. all of these rehab aim only at recovering and eliminating the roots of the problem.

There are various kinds of addictions such as drug addiction, alcohol addiction, substance abuse, eating disorder. All these are diseases associated or arouse due to some or the other kind of mental problems. Some of these psychological problems could be stress, social pressure of a role etc. We cannot generalize and claim that the addiction is caused due to psychological reasons only. But the definitely form one of the major reasons. Initially the rehabs would follow a similar kind of pattern for almost all the patients, this program would be tried and tested. Thus they would not get similar kind of results from all the clients. The approach of the rehab at initial stage was not individualistic; rather it was based on the experiments. Now there is complete makeover in the attitude and approach of the rehabs towards the clients. These days a more personalized approach is carried out and the treatment is planned accordingly. They do not follow the routine path of treatment, but experiment new recovery plans to get effective and better results. The rehabs do not only aim recovering from the addiction but also carry out programs which help in rebuilding the lost self esteem, self confidence etc.

The rehab programs follow various steps towards recovery and prevention of relapses. These alcohol or drug rehab programs help the individuals in embracing the life with new zest and fervor. There are various activities which help in molding the cognitive behavior and think in appropriate style. Contemporary rehabs are, in contrast to the earlier ones, resemble more to a place where one would definitely like to be, it is very much luxurious, closer to nature, away from the hustle bustle of the city life. One more reason for having the rehabs outside the city is to preserve the privacy of the clients. This is one of the important factors in selecting the right rehabs.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Recovery from substance abuse is a definitive step towards better future.

Problems are faced by every individual; some have strength to fight it out, but some need external support to tackle them. The support could be in form of friendly advice to overcome the problem or in form taking in the drug to forget the problem temporarily. There are various types of problems faced by individuals. Some are grave or some are just a passing phase. Whatever they are, they tend to take toll on the human lives. These problems can be very stressful, once faced. People strive hard to get out of them as early as possible; hence they take every step and wish to do away with the stress. Stressful situations are the most detested ones. They are never welcomed. There are various means; with the use of which, people can deal with any kind of stressful situation.

Drugs help person in forgetting the problem for some time and live in the unreal world, most of the users dwell in the unreal world to forget the plight of existing world. These drugs not only help in getting euphoric rush, but also help in increasing concentration span because one gets absolutely focused onto single thing. Adderall is one such drug, which is preferably taken by the college going or school students. This drug help increasing the concentration span of the individual. This way more time is utilized in studying and without any feeling being tired or drained out. This drug is also one, which is prescribed by the doctors for increasing the concentration level of a person, but soon person gets addicted to it. Adderall treatment is easily available and is not really painful. But there are chances of relapses, as the temptation level is higher.

Similarly the ecstacy addiction is caused due to excessive intake of this drug. It can also be called substance abuse. This drug is used for treatment in dullness, sadness etc. this drug releases an ecstatic feeling, which is required to feel light and fresh at heart. Thus it is very easy to get used to attaining this feeling even if one is feeling down. However, even if the addiction is easily possible, it takes little efforts to overcome that. Constant efforts and deliberate measures to stay away from it can be well rewarded. New, sober life waits at the end of the long and grueling journey of recovery from addiction.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Anti depressant Ecstasy can lead to addiction!

Ecstasy as the name suggests it induces refreshing feeling into our system. This drug is widely prescribed by the psychologists as a therapeutic drug against dullness, sadness. This drug releases a feeling of excitement and enthusiasm in our body. This drug helps in improving the relations. Ecstasy effects are being revealed in careful clinical studies at Ecstacy addiction research centers. Ecstacy reduces serotonin levels in users, in ways that produce memory loss, depression in long term use of this drug, it can also cause permanently depressed insomnia. Ecstasy also depletes dopamine, the neurotransmitter which is associated with pleasure and feeling really good in users.

Ecstacy is slang name for MDMA. It is due to the structure and function of the brain and central nervous system, an ecstasy user won't recognize the drop in pleasure and good feeling until 70% to 80% of the dopamine in the brain is burnt out. The Ecstasy user won't know that there is a problem until it is too late. This drug heightens the feeling of lovingness, kindness and affection in the user. So this kind of experience is very much welcomed in the stressful world. This drug decreases sleepy feeling and increases the physical endurance. This drug also causes decrease in fluid intake, thus leading to dehydration. Various studies have also revealed that the entertainer also use this drug to feel enthusiastic for performing a concert.

There are heavy and light ecstacy users. Some of them, who intake ecstacy heavily can be classified into the heavy user’s category, heavy amount can turn a user into an addict. Once a user becomes an addict, then it becomes very difficult to turn back. This way person gets deeper into this addiction. This drug also works as a relaxant. Many people, who face stress daily, can take support of this drug to feel relaxed and light. Unknowingly a small amount of intake of this drug can lead to heavier dosage and eventually make the user an addict. The usage of ecstacy has increased significantly in the last two decades. Ecstacy treatment can be availed at various drug rehabilitation centers. This treatment includes combined medicinal and cognitive approach. Thus an all round recovery is gained. Residential drug rehab is strongly recommended for recovery treatment from ecstacy.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Reviving life after addiction

Life is full of ups and downs. Every single day comes up with many surprises and shocks. People tend to react o them in different ways. Overjoyed when met with pleasant surprises and in tears when confronted with sad events! A human mind is the most fickle yet the strongest willed thing in the entire universe. It can be devastated by a tiniest incident and can be flourished with slightest ray of hope. The creator has granted the amazing thing called mind to us, humans. We can move mountains only with its strong will. Everyday happenings are perceived differently by different mind sets. Every individual has different capacity of perceiving and analyzing the incidents. Some react to highest degree tragic or stressful incidents with full strengths and come out from them with safe and sound. At the same time, some might succumb and fall prey to the pressures of life.

Not all have a strong mind. Those who don’t have it, take support of external factors like counseling of friends/ family support. But some of them take help of drugs or alcohol to fight out stress in life. Once they get feeling of relief, through drug or alcohol, they tend to depend more and more on it. They find solace in the high they attain after consuming the drug. This leads to substance abuse. The addicts get disconnected from their families, friends and so to say, from life. They are in their own illusionary world, where they are not faced with real life problems. But this dwelling in unreal world cannot be lasting longer.

Once their addiction becomes a problem to their health, their relations with others, they are coaxed to acknowledge the addiction by their families or themselves. A professional support is sought, a hunt for a best suitable drug rehab centers is carried out. Most of the individuals have varied criterion of choosing the right rehab for themselves. Some might want to go in for best yet inexpensive treatment, some might prefer private and isolated recovery program, some may have monetary constrains etc. Every individual can get his preferred rehab these days. Contemporary rehabs are equipped with state of art facilities to deal with their client’s addiction. California treatment centers are one of the preferred places for those who are suffering from substance abuse. These facilities can offer individualistic solutions for treatment and extend long term support after recovery.

Abuse recovery can be interesting

Every dark cloud has a silver lining! Same is applicable to drug abuse treatment. Initially the drug rehabs were a scary place with rigid and difficult treatment plans. They would follow a tried and tested pattern for recovery of their patients. This was way back when they had less knowledge about other facilities and treatment programs carried out in various other rehabs. The world became closer and exposed to each other through the means of computers. There were many innovations and experiments with the treatment strategies. The computers and internet technology has played a vital role in distributing the knowledge to each others in all the spheres of life.

There is an explosion of knowledge due to interconnectivity. People shared their views and experiences about various treatment programs through internet, more and more people became aware of various rehabs and their facilities. All this brought in a vast and revolutionary change in the look and feel of the original rehab concept. Internet technology has played major role in introducing the rehabs to varied range of recovery treatment programs. Many rehabs took advantage of these revolutionary methods and changed their own to offering customized solutions to their clients. One of the leading names in such rehabs is the orange county drug rehab. It is one of the most trusted names in the recovery treatment rehabs.

Customized treatment programs are the core competency of the Drug rehab in orange county. It is firmly believed that every individual is different from each other, thus the treatment offered to them should also be on customized basis. The contemporary rehabs do not appear like those traditional rehabs, but they reflect the soul and objective of the rehab. For example rehabs which are designed only for women, hence they have very much feminine touch to everything, right from the vicinity to the drafting the recovery programs. Men’s rehab will have adventurous sport like ambience. The basic aim of such rehabs is to make their clients feel at home, and enjoy the treatment rather than making their recovery program a painful experience. Now a day such rehabs are very much in demand because of their playful and holistic ways of recovery program. These rehabs reach to the soul of the client and thus their treatment is more effective. They do not directly and solely treat the addiction, but they offer a complete recovery with behavioral, moral, physical improvement.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Christian belief can heal a withering soul!

All around the world there are many people who religiously follow some or the other faith; there are many who do not follow any. Everybody is free to follow their own path of thoughts. But according to my personal opinion, there may not be any soul on the surface of earth, who does not believe in supremacy of a power that lies above everything else, it should not necessarily have any form. Not everything is within the reach of a human being. Even after being the most developed natural creation, many of the incidents leave us speechless and they are beyond our comprehensive capabilities. At this point only one phrase is uttered “it’s a miracle!” Yes, miracles do happen. They may have a rational reasoning or may not have. But one thing that many of us will readily believe that there is a super power above all of us. This power guides us when required to, teaches us in the tough times. In our normal life we face many good or bad incidents, which affect directly our lifestyle, thought process and perception towards other things in life.

Some undue incidents in life can mislead us and get us into troubles. Addiction is one such unwelcomed change in our life. This can be very much euphoric to the person who is actually into it, but for others who love that person, it could be nightmare to live. To get rid of the addiction, he gets admitted into the rehab. The rehabs offer professional clinical, psychological support, which is required to quit the life taking habit. Getting medical help or support is very much important in recovering from any addiction, similarly an evolvement of soul and controlling the mind to refrain from going back to the old addiction also plays equally important role in recovery. This is a holistic approach. The body is cleansed from toxins and the mind and soul is cleared from the ill- wills. Christian drug rehab offers spiritual setting for overall healing of an addict. This rehab not only targets the detoxification of body but also aims at spiritual development. Christian rehab centers offer church services, prayers, meditation, Biblical readings, religious discourses and pastoral counseling as well. These rehab centers give equal opportunity and treatment to all and show the spiritual path in order to reach God and live a clean life as per His teachings.

Alcohol de-addiction needs a commitment to follow lifetime

Alcoholism is genetic. It is surveyed and proved that 40% of the alcohol addicts have a genetic factor that leads to this addiction. Other 60% of the addicts get habituated to this due to various factors such as social, economical or even stress. This addiction, like any other abuse, can be very dangerous if not treated in time. Almost 95% of the alcoholics die of untreated addiction. This addiction directly damages the lever, which has a function similar to a purifier. Once the lever is damaged it then affects the kidneys, eventually taking the life of the addict. Though alcohol has many adverse effects, it still can be medicinally effective in some cases, if taken in moderation. Many medical practitioners do suggest a minimum dose of alcohol for a relaxation purpose after a very long and hectic day. This quantity of the alcohol can be taken in for whole of the life, without even having to face any addiction problems. This drink is just like any other relaxation therapy. For some little amount of alcohol can do wonders in the delicacies they prepare.

However wonderful an alcohol can be, it still has its black side and that is predominantly negative. It shatters families, individual lives, careers etc. the alcoholics need to accept the problem caused due to their addiction. Once it is done, half of the battle is won. There are various rehab facilities, which are specialized in treating the alcoholism. There are many types of treatments available for curing this addiction. The best suited is chosen by the clinical experts at the rehab. Many moderately addicted cases can be cured in the out- patient section, where the addicts are not required to leave their life and get admitted into a rehab. Alcohol treatment centers follow treatments which suit the individual needs and requirements. The addiction initially only observed and then the recovery program is planned. If required the sedations are given, sometimes the tranquilizers are also used in the treatment. An appropriate drying out period is stipulated for every patient. Many times hallucinations occur as a result of withdrawal, for treating them, the patients are required to be in hospital.

Most of the times the treatment is followed in an un-orderly manner; this is done so, because every individual has different capacity to react to the medicines and has different tolerance towards them. Contemporary rehabs believe in individualistic approach in recovery.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

De-addicting the alcohol with expert support

The term “dipsomania” may not ring any bell into anyone’s ears, as it is a term that is specifically used by the experts, but the term “alcoholism” which replaced the initial term is more familiar to everyone. This replacement took place in 19th and early 20th century. Till then the medical practitioners used the first term to describe dependency and excessive use of alcohol. The term dipsomania was coined by a German physician Dr. C. W. Hufeland in the year 1819. Later the term "alcoholism" was first used in 1849 by the Swedish physician Magnus Huss to describe the systematic adverse effects of alcohol. One of the prominent definitions given for this term is by a doctor and addiction specialist Dr. William D. Silkworth M.D. where he writes on behalf of AA that "Alcoholics suffer from a "(physical) craving beyond mental control". The term alcoholism is used widely by the practitioners, but they all insist that this is not a disease, but a curable disorder. The WHO defines that alcoholism is a term that is long standing use and variable meaning.

Alcoholism is characterized by an increased tolerance of alcohol and physical dependence on alcohol, affecting an individual's ability to control alcohol consumption safely. These characteristics are believed to play a role in impeding an alcoholic's ability to stop drinking. Alcoholism can have adverse effects on mental health, causing psychiatric disorders to develop and an increased risk of suicide. (Source “Wikipedia”) Even though it is believed that moderate drinking can cause wonders to body like relaxing the body and mind after a stressful and hectic day. A shot of brandy can relieve from cold and give warmth to body on cold days. But anything in excessive order is bound to have its adverse effect on body. The overdose and excessive drinking can lead to lever damage and is accompanied with many other malfunctions and disorder effects. There are various alcohol treatment centers which offer medical support and behavioral counseling to overcome the alcohol addiction, for getting de-addicted from the drugs, there are rehab centers. Also there are web sites which guide people on consuming the alcohol properly in order to not become an alcoholic. These sites offer tips to curtail the intake of alcohol. According to them, one should sip slowly and chew some food items like nuts or chips which give a filling effect and leads to lesser intake of alcohol. One should never mix alcohol with the smoking as it increases alcohol absorption into body quickly.

Oxycontin addiction Treatment

Oxycontin is a drug that is legally used by the medical practitioners as a pain reliever; this drug gets converted into morphine once inside the body. Basic function of morphine is to activate opioid receptors in the brain. Two of the major effects of opiates, like oxycodone, are the simulation of the pleasure center by releasing dopamine and the relief of pain. This is one of the most unique medicines which provide 8-12 hours lasting relief from pain. It is formulated in such a way that it releases some quantity of oxycodone every 2-3 hours. This makes Oxycontin useful for cancer patients and others with severe pain, as they only need to take a pill twice or three times a day. The pills are to be swallowed and not chewed to get the timed-release mechanism to work properly. But some, who wish to get the euphoria feeling, tear off the coating and use it by crushing. This drug is available in various sizes to suit to the prescribed dosage. This drug can be obtained from the medical stores as well as through online dealers without prescription. The United States of America has the highest of the world’s consumption of this drug (82% of the world total of 51.6 tons).

Many people get easily addicted to the euphoric feeling and increase the intake on their own. The body eventually develops more tolerance towards its effects, and the vicious circle continues. If the addict wishes to quit the addiction, the best way is to approach the Oxycontin addiction rehab. There are various types of methods of treating this addiction. Different rehabs follow different types of oxycontin treatment The clinical experts at the rehab can evaluate the person’s degrees of addiction and accordingly administer the recovery treatment. Self administration of drugs to recover from this addiction or even abrupt discontinuation can be very fatal. A drug rehabilitation treatment can include either behavioral therapy, medication or both. Behavioral therapy would include counseling, cognitive therapy and psychotherapy. Before selecting a treatment program it is recommended to go for an intervention. A drug addiction is a disease, because it responds well to the treatment just like any other disease. Recovery needs to take place in the right setting, with the right services and treatments carried out under the expert supervision to best effect a positive outcome.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Contemporary rehabs offer updated professional support

A rehabilitation center provides help, support and expert care to those who wish to release themselves from the clutches of the deadly habit of drug or alcohol addiction. There are various types of rehabs which offer invaluable support and guidance to the addicts. There are out-patients rehabs, in-patients or residential rehabs, gender based rehabs. Though various types of rehabs, all of which aim at one goal, getting the addiction effectively out of the life and induce a feeling of sobriety.

There are numerous benefits of getting into a residential drug rehab. These rehabs have other patients who suffer from the same degree or closer degrees of addiction. The patients share their experiences, thoughts and opinions with each other. This process helps others to view themselves from a different perspective and position themselves in a different light. There may be better or worse cases of addiction than one faces. It always feels relaxing, when one looks at the other side and finds someone who is suffering more. By this a ray of hope shines into the life, which boosts the morale of the patients to recover and live a sober life. An out- patient rehab cannot be that much useful or it can only be useful to those who cannot leave their routine life and attend days’ program of recovery. But the effect of these programs is slower as there is less interaction with other sufferers. It is always recommended to attend a residential rehab program to attain prolonged sobriety effectively. There are medical experts who can keep a watch all day long by planning out monitored activities and treatment programs. Help is available round the clock to address any kind of emergency. The time lapses are none in the in-patient rehab, hence the effectiveness is more.

Various drug rehab facilities develop individualistic treatment programs based on observations carried out at the rehab. The patients are made to eat, sleep and relax right to pay less attention to the addiction. Patients can get honest ad accept their state looking at other recovering or recovered people around. The environment offered there is safe and encouraging to quit the addiction. These rehabs cater to the needs of severe to moderate addiction. They use multi-disciplinary approaches to heal the lives of their clients. Some of the approaches include cognitive-behavioral consulting, psychodynamic or family systems therapy, re-socialization, education.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Substance abuse is curse to humans

Oxycondone’s chemical name is derived from codeine. Freud and Speyer first synthesized the oxycodone from thebine in the year 1916 a few years after one of the top the German pharmaceutical companies had stopped the mass production of heroin due to hazardous and harmful use as well as dependence. It was hoped that a thebine-derived drug would retain the analgesic effects of morphine and heroin with less dependence. To some extent this was achieved, as oxycodone does not have the same immediate effect as heroin or morphine nor does it last as long. The first clinical use of this drug was documented in 1917. It was first introduced to the US market in May 1939.The International Narcotics Control Board estimates that 11.5 tons of oxycodone were manufactured worldwide in 1998, which grew to 75.2 tons in 2007. Of all countries, the United States had the highest total consumption of oxycodone in 2007 (82% of the world total of 51.6 tons). In addition, in 2007 the U.S. had the highest per capita consumption of oxycodone, followed by Canada, Denmark, Australia, and Norway. (Source Wikipedia)

This is a drug available only with the prescription. This works as time release pain killer. This is a very good drug widely used for treatment of severe pain disorders. This is available in a form of a pill or liquid. There are various street names available for this drug like killers, OC, Oxy or Oxycotton etc. it is available in various mg sizes. This drug releases its effect after 12 hours, because it has a sustained- release coating, which causes a time bound and sustained as well as controlled effect of this drug. But most of the people misuse this drug to achieve euphoria. This drug’s coating can be removed and taken in a crushed from to cause instant rush of euphoria. This rush leads to an addiction to oxycontin. There are various short term and long term effects of the oxycontin addiction. Short term effects can be classified as constipation, sedation, nausea etc. and long term effects can be physical dependence and addiction. This addiction is very much life threatening. Over the time, the abuser’s body develops tolerance for this drug and the prescribed amount makes no effect, then the dose is increased by the user himself to achieve the high. It is only curable with the help of medical experts and rehabs.

Alcohol addiction: surrendering to life’s pressures

Alcohol consumption is not always considered as taboo. At certain events it is considered as a social manner, particularly at any party offering someone a drink is a better way to start a communication or carry out one. This is considered as a must have at a high profile executive parties as consumption of this unwinds people after a very hectic schedule and gives a feeling of relaxation. This helps in striking good deals with a calm and relaxed mind. One can always mix drinking with pleasure, if consumed in moderation. It can be viewed as merely a drink, if taken in minimalistic quantity. It is scientifically proven that, alcohol in moderate amount always does winders, it is good for health. There are various countries which include wines in their regular diet. Also there are various cooking wines as well as other alcoholic liquids like rum, which is used in making Xmas cakes and puddings, Sherries, a fortified wine from Spain is also used in continental cooking, these are used to enhance taste and aroma of food.

Apart from doing well to health and enhancing flavors, there are various medicinal values found in alcohol like doctors’ brandy is widely used against cold. This is also very good stress- buster. Due to its relaxing characteristic, this is over used by many. Once the limits are crossed, the people become addicted to it, and cannot function without it. Alcohol addiction is the most commonly found addiction in the world. For many reasons, one of them, being easy availability of alcohol, secondly, it is not banned by the governments like any other substance. There are various reasons which lead to addiction such as family background, social status, peer pressure or even pleasure. The effects of alcoholism vary from gender. The women tend to be on high quicker than the men. This is mainly because of the body weight difference. Also the tolerance levels of both the genders differ. Once the addiction is accepted, then searching for a good rehab is on. The families or even the addicts themselves try to find a good alcohol rehab. There are various alcohol rehab centers which offer professional support and individualistic treatment programs. These yield good results. But there is always a fear of relapse. But these rehabs take utmost care of its clients and provide extended support for long-term recovery and thus minimize the chances of relapse.

Revolutionizing the rehab concept

Drug rehabilitation centers have been in existence ever since people were in need to recover from their addiction to the substances. There are various factors which lead to drug and substance addiction. But there is only one way out of any kind of addiction and that is getting admitted into a rehab for a recovery treatment. Drug rehabilitation not only treats the addicts against the addiction but also extends extensive long term support for avoiding the relapses, which are one of the very common occurrences in many cases. Drug rehabilitation centers provide various types of support for recovery and treatment for addiction. Any kind of abuse of any substance or alcohol for psychoactive dependence is called addiction. The rehabilitation centers help the addicts get over their addiction and lead a sober life. Professionally speaking the drug rehabilitation is a term used for various medical or even psycho-therapeutic processes aimed at providing treatment to the people addicted to substances or alcohol. There are various drugs like cocaine, heroin etc. or prescribed drugs which give a feeling of relaxation and detachment. The general intent of the rehabs is to enable the patient to cease substance abuse, in order to avoid the psychological, legal, financial, social, and physical consequences that can be caused, especially by extreme abuse.

There are various approaches followed by the rehabs. They are as follows: disease model and twelve steps program, client- centered approach, psychoanalytic approach. There are also various cognitive models of addiction recovery such as relapse prevention, cognitive therapy of substance abuse, emotion regulation, mindfulness and substance abuse. All these approaches support the addict to overcome their addiction by planning out personalized recovery treatment programs and reforming the behavioral patterns through counseling. There are many prominent names one of them is California drug rehab. These rehab centers not only provide support and professional help for recovery but also change the life style by changing the mindset and thinking patterns of an individual. These centers also rope in the families for prolong support in providing the newly sobers a very healthy environment around them, which prevents them from going back to the addiction. California treatment center provides state of art professional support and well equipped medical facility. Their basic approach is that every individual is different hence his needs and treatment patterns should also be different.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Addictive drugs can lead to disasters

Any drug available is aimed curing some or the other illness or dis-ease. It has a prescribed dosage on the leaflet, which means that drug need to be consumed as per directed. Some of the drugs give instant relief whereas some of them take little long. These quick drugs gain lot of value in longer run. Many of the prescribed drugs are used for eliminating the illness. But due to higher efficiency, it becomes addictive to the user. They tend to relay more and more on these drugs, instead of developing the capacity to fight it out by oneself. This dependency is very dangerous in longer run as there are chances that this dependency turns into an addiction.

One of such drug that is used as pain killer is oxycontin. It is a very famous for its pain killing properties. It is widely prescribed by the doctors for pain. This medicine allows its effect to be released over period of time as a compound drug and is very much effective. But its time release feature can be eliminated by crushing it or taking it intravenously. By taking it in this way, it provides complete relaxation to mind and body immediately. Thus a very detached and calming effect is achieved within no time. This characteristic of this drug makes it very addictive in today’s stressful world. The kind of feeling offered by this drug attracts the abusers and they start using it often. Oxycontin addiction is very much common due to its feature of relaxing the stressful mind.

Another very prominent kind of drug abuse is the adderall addiction. This drug is used for a treatment of depression. An anti-depression drug has wonderful effects of the body. This medicine increases the concentration span of the user if only taken in prescribed amount. But does to its ability to increase attention and concentration, it has become very popular among the youth, who find it difficult to concentrate on one particular thing for long time. It is becoming increasingly popular amongst the abusers. Mostly this addiction has been referred as silent epidemic, which means killing silently.

Any ant depressant mixed with alcohol has very much negative effect, which might last for weeks long. It is very much suggested and recommended by the doctors not to mix these two. This kind of addiction can cause both mental and physical harm to the abuser.

Sleeping pills as addictive drug

Sleeplessness caused due to love sting is very much welcomed, one gets to keep awake and get to think more about the loved one. But sleeplessness due to unpleasant reasons can lead to many factors which affect the life in adverse manner. Many times doctors are consulted over sleeplessness or insomnia. The patients complaining sleepless nights cannot well concentrate on their work, their studies as like water, food and air rest to the body through sleep is also essential. With the lack of sufficient sleep it is hard to control the limbs and organs. It is proven that after a continual sleeplessness of 48 hours people experience erratic behavior and loss of concentration. Thus sleeping is an essential activity that offers relaxation to muscles and rest to other body parts which are constantly functioning, it also offers a breather space to heart and brain which slow down in pumping speed and relax bit as less parts are functioning respectively.

Many factors cause sleeplessness, but is easily curable. Doctors prescribe Ambien as an anti-depressant and for inducing sleep. This drug was introduced first in Europe in the year 1988 and in the USA in 1993. Since then this drug is in demand for cure on insomnia. This drug works wonders if taken in proportion and as prescribed, but excessive intake of any drug is dangerous and addictive. Similarly ambien addiction is commonly found amongst those who have been prescribed this for fighting the sleeplessness. This drug acts rapidly and gives instant relief from insomnia. This drug has side effects like forgetting immediate incidents which cause confusions, sleep walking, lowered inhibition, delusions, hallucinations, and worsening of depression are some of the problems people face. This drug is habit forming, can get the user addicted to it easily. On the other hand this drug can be used with or without alcohol for committing suicide. This drug is easily available without any kind of prescription by the medical practitioner. Hence unlike any other sedative which needs proper authenticated prescription, this drug can be obtained from pharmacy stress as well as can be bought online.

Ambien addictive can lead to suicidal tendencies, excessive drowsiness, worsening of depression etc. The addiction to this drug can occur if taken for long. Treatment for this addiction is readily available.