Oxycondone’s chemical name is derived from codeine. Freud and Speyer first synthesized the oxycodone from thebine in the year 1916 a few years after one of the top the German pharmaceutical companies had stopped the mass production of heroin due to hazardous and harmful use as well as dependence. It was hoped that a thebine-derived drug would retain the analgesic effects of morphine and heroin with less dependence. To some extent this was achieved, as oxycodone does not have the same immediate effect as heroin or morphine nor does it last as long. The first clinical use of this drug was documented in 1917. It was first introduced to the US market in May 1939.The International Narcotics Control Board estimates that 11.5 tons of oxycodone were manufactured worldwide in 1998, which grew to 75.2 tons in 2007. Of all countries, the United States had the highest total consumption of oxycodone in 2007 (82% of the world total of 51.6 tons). In addition, in 2007 the U.S. had the highest per capita consumption of oxycodone, followed by Canada, Denmark, Australia, and Norway. (Source Wikipedia)
This is a drug available only with the prescription. This works as time release pain killer. This is a very good drug widely used for treatment of severe pain disorders. This is available in a form of a pill or liquid. There are various street names available for this drug like killers, OC, Oxy or Oxycotton etc. it is available in various mg sizes. This drug releases its effect after 12 hours, because it has a sustained- release coating, which causes a time bound and sustained as well as controlled effect of this drug. But most of the people misuse this drug to achieve euphoria. This drug’s coating can be removed and taken in a crushed from to cause instant rush of euphoria. This rush leads to an addiction to oxycontin. There are various short term and long term effects of the oxycontin addiction. Short term effects can be classified as constipation, sedation, nausea etc. and long term effects can be physical dependence and addiction. This addiction is very much life threatening. Over the time, the abuser’s body develops tolerance for this drug and the prescribed amount makes no effect, then the dose is increased by the user himself to achieve the high. It is only curable with the help of medical experts and rehabs.
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