Sleeplessness caused due to love sting is very much welcomed, one gets to keep awake and get to think more about the loved one. But sleeplessness due to unpleasant reasons can lead to many factors which affect the life in adverse manner. Many times doctors are consulted over sleeplessness or insomnia. The patients complaining sleepless nights cannot well concentrate on their work, their studies as like water, food and air rest to the body through sleep is also essential. With the lack of sufficient sleep it is hard to control the limbs and organs. It is proven that after a continual sleeplessness of 48 hours people experience erratic behavior and loss of concentration. Thus sleeping is an essential activity that offers relaxation to muscles and rest to other body parts which are constantly functioning, it also offers a breather space to heart and brain which slow down in pumping speed and relax bit as less parts are functioning respectively.
Many factors cause sleeplessness, but is easily curable. Doctors prescribe Ambien as an anti-depressant and for inducing sleep. This drug was introduced first in Europe in the year 1988 and in the USA in 1993. Since then this drug is in demand for cure on insomnia. This drug works wonders if taken in proportion and as prescribed, but excessive intake of any drug is dangerous and addictive. Similarly ambien addiction is commonly found amongst those who have been prescribed this for fighting the sleeplessness. This drug acts rapidly and gives instant relief from insomnia. This drug has side effects like forgetting immediate incidents which cause confusions, sleep walking, lowered inhibition, delusions, hallucinations, and worsening of depression are some of the problems people face. This drug is habit forming, can get the user addicted to it easily. On the other hand this drug can be used with or without alcohol for committing suicide. This drug is easily available without any kind of prescription by the medical practitioner. Hence unlike any other sedative which needs proper authenticated prescription, this drug can be obtained from pharmacy stress as well as can be bought online.
Ambien addictive can lead to suicidal tendencies, excessive drowsiness, worsening of depression etc. The addiction to this drug can occur if taken for long. Treatment for this addiction is readily available.
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