Any drug available is aimed curing some or the other illness or dis-ease. It has a prescribed dosage on the leaflet, which means that drug need to be consumed as per directed. Some of the drugs give instant relief whereas some of them take little long. These quick drugs gain lot of value in longer run. Many of the prescribed drugs are used for eliminating the illness. But due to higher efficiency, it becomes addictive to the user. They tend to relay more and more on these drugs, instead of developing the capacity to fight it out by oneself. This dependency is very dangerous in longer run as there are chances that this dependency turns into an addiction.
One of such drug that is used as pain killer is oxycontin. It is a very famous for its pain killing properties. It is widely prescribed by the doctors for pain. This medicine allows its effect to be released over period of time as a compound drug and is very much effective. But its time release feature can be eliminated by crushing it or taking it intravenously. By taking it in this way, it provides complete relaxation to mind and body immediately. Thus a very detached and calming effect is achieved within no time. This characteristic of this drug makes it very addictive in today’s stressful world. The kind of feeling offered by this drug attracts the abusers and they start using it often. Oxycontin addiction is very much common due to its feature of relaxing the stressful mind.
Another very prominent kind of drug abuse is the adderall addiction. This drug is used for a treatment of depression. An anti-depression drug has wonderful effects of the body. This medicine increases the concentration span of the user if only taken in prescribed amount. But does to its ability to increase attention and concentration, it has become very popular among the youth, who find it difficult to concentrate on one particular thing for long time. It is becoming increasingly popular amongst the abusers. Mostly this addiction has been referred as silent epidemic, which means killing silently.
Any ant depressant mixed with alcohol has very much negative effect, which might last for weeks long. It is very much suggested and recommended by the doctors not to mix these two. This kind of addiction can cause both mental and physical harm to the abuser.
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