So you have just started your road to recovery? You have just closed that last bottle of alcohol and taken your last dose of drug. You are trying to give up the evils which were feeding on your mind, body and life like parasites. Well, good for you! However, the journey is just beginning. You will be tempted to go back to them again. What you need to do is avoid the people, places and objects which would tempt you to go back to drug and alcohol abuse. Just as stories describe the intense craving of blood for vampires, you will NEVER erase your longings for drugs or alcohol with any amount of drug rehab. Learn to be determinate and overcome your needs and only then can you speed through your road to recovery. There are 5 ways you can do so—
Distract Yourself
Engage yourself in work and activities. Keep your mind active, occupied and thus, distracted. Avoid places, people and objects that stimulate your cravings. Go play a game, do some chores, whatever you need to do to keep yourself occupied when you feel the urge. However, do not make the mistake of using a substitute for your addictions as it will inevitably lead to relapse.
Remind Yourself
When cravings arise people are usually thinking the pleasures they attain after the intake and thus it is extremely hard to keep contained. Drug rehab centers teach an effective technique to strengthen the resolve of addicts. They ask them to remind themselves the harm that has been caused by the abuse and how it will worsen the situation if more is taken—like divorce, career loss, failure of bodily systems etc.
Talk Yourself Out
Whenever you feel an irresistible urge talk to yourself about the harmful effects and how you have decided not to touch drugs or alcohol anymore. Talk to friends or enroll yourself in the support groups for recovering addicts. Share the misery because talking is the best way to avoid relapse.
Feel it Yourself
Instead of trying to avoid the urge give in to it! Minus the drugs/alcohol of course. How? Sit in a place and try to imagine the feeling caused after the intake. Try to imagine and fully experience the feeling and you will find that you are freed from the influence of it as it greatly lessens the intensity of the urge.
Listen to Yourself
Use the power of your inner voice—that voice of conscience that will tell you the inevitability of the harmful things that will follow if you surrender to your cravings.
Empower yourself with these methods. Always remember-- You can and You will!
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