Addiction is a basically a physiological phenomenon which after a long period of time becomes a kind of health issue. Addiction are having a wide criteria. But the addiction of alcohol and other natural drugs causes a great harm to our health. The natural drugs causing harm to our health are Opium, Nicotine,Morphine. Long term alcohol rehab is a treatment programme given when its effect lasts for several weeks. Now a days it has become a serious problem in the western countries as a faster spreading disease. There is hope a getting much treatments in the near future for such type of diseases.
People do prefer more to the long term alcohol rehab than any other. Because it more reliable the chances of it to cure is more compared to other methods. Alcohol has become a basic need or trend for the present generation people for any occasion or celebration alcohol has become the most important material of enjoyment. But after a long term consumption of it becomes addiction and thus it can further take a form of major disease. Hence such type of problems do arise because of the consumption of other types of natural drugs one of them is nicotine. Due to the major consumption of nicotine we can suffer from the loss of consciousness.
Oxycontin is a pain killer which is given to a patient as an analgesic, when required for longer duration of time. When we want the effect of a pain killer to remain for the longer duration of time because sometimes it happens like we are in a severe pain where we want to have relief for a longer duration then we would need to have such type of pain killer which will last for several hours. The activity of oxycontin is very much similar to morphine. The tablets of oxycontin are to swallowed completely rather than chewing or breaking.
The dose of chewing or breaking will cause a fatal dose. Oxycontin is not indicated as a pain killer to post operative period. Oxycontin rehab is only indicated for the post operative period only if the patient is already receiving the drug prior to surgery or if the post operative pain is expected to be moderate and persist for an extended period of time. The pain killer should be anti – inflammatory, anti – steroidal and should not cause much side- effects. They acts as a pain management activator.
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