Drugs are perceived as life saver medicines, which have the ability to release a feeling of relaxation and relief from pains or any other dis- ease. These drugs are aimed at and are specialized designed for a cure against any bodily painful situation. But human mind has mastered the art of tricking. The mind has complete control over the acts of humans. The mind can very well get humans to perform acts which normally that person would not commit. This situation is followed once the mind has a control over body and is completely under spell of effects released by these drugs. Once the drugs are mis- used they are known as abusive substance. There are many such drugs which are basically prepared for some other purpose, but are used for deadly purpose by humans.
Ecstacy is one of such drugs, primarily aimed for a therapeutic drug against dullness, sadness by the psychologists as. This drug releases a feeling of excitement and enthusiasm in our body. This drug helps in improving the relations. Ecstasy effects are being revealed in careful clinical studies at addiction to ecstasy research centers. Ecstacy reduces serotonin levels in users, in ways that produce memory loss, depression in long term use of this drug; it can also cause permanently depressed insomnia. Ecstasy also depletes dopamine, the neurotransmitter which is associated with pleasure and feeling really good in users. This drug heightens the feeling of lovingness, kindness and affection in the user. So this kind of experience is very much welcomed in the stressful world. This drug decreases sleepy feeling and increases the physical endurance. This drug also causes decrease in fluid intake, thus leading to dehydration.
Another drug that is mis- used is Oxycontin. This works as time release pain killer. This is a very good drug widely used for treatment of severe pain disorders. This is available in a form of a pill or liquid. There are various street names available for this drug like killers, OC, Oxy or Oxycotton etc. it is available in various mg sizes. This drug releases its effect after 12 hours, because it has a sustained- release coating, which causes a time bound and sustained as well as controlled effect of this drug. But most of the people misuse this drug to achieve euphoria. This drug’s coating can be removed and taken in a crushed from to cause instant rush of euphoria.oxycontin rehab offers complete recovery treatment from addiction.
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